Stepping Stones Sittingbourne

Teaching approach and daily routine

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requires us to create an educational program around the seven areas of learning; communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive art and design.

Parents’ guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage 

Our carefully planned sessions ensure all children are supported in all areas in their learning at an activity they enjoy.  We consider their individual needs, stage of development, and plan challenging and enjoyable experiences daily. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.

Our daily routine, which is flexible

  • 8.45am Children arrive and self-register by finding their name and putting it above a peg. They choose where they wish to play either inside or out where invitations to play (different activities) are set up following children’s interests. We offer outside play in all weathers. A lot of our resources are ‘loose parts’ meaning they can be moved and used however children wish to play with them supporting them to develop their thinking skills as well as creativity.
  • During the morning staff support children’s learning in the area they choose play such as the home corner, construction, mark making table, book area etc. All resources are available at child level to allow them to have access to all toys. Our child size toilets and low-level sink support children with their toileting and personal hygiene. Children move freely between the inside and outside putting their own coats on from low level pegs.
  • Snack bar is available during the morning. Children decide when they are hungry and wish to eat, allowing them to self-regulate their eating patterns. During snack they develop skills such as cutting fruit and pouring drinks while staff support. Snack time promotes healthy eating as fruit, milk and water is available daily as well as a carbohydrate food.
  • 11.45am Children put toys back where they belong and take part in any of the small groups offered such as story time or singing.
  • Children attending a full day have staggered lunch which allows them to choose when to eat when they are hungry and again this time allows them to self-regulate their eating.
  • The afternoon session follows the same format as the morning.
  • 2.45pm Children put toys back where they belong and take part in any of the small groups offered such as story time or singing. Children are encouraged to put their own coats on.
  • 3.15 pm Hometime


凡事有兩面性:PDE5抑制劑(威而鋼、犀利士)為男性勃起功能障礙(陽痿)患者帶來治療新曙光,讓他們只需要服用一顆藥丸就能恢復勃起能力,這是威而鋼、犀利士的正面影響。但是,當人們發現服用威而鋼或犀利士後助勃起效果顯著,且副作用通常只是臉紅、耳鳴,短時間就會減退。他們就開始濫用壯陽藥。 -犀利士