We welcome children and families from all sections of the local community, irrespective of gender, origin, ethnicity, language, culture or disability and do not discriminate against any person. We base our admissions on a fair system and work on a “first come first serve” basis and operate a waiting list for children we do not immediately have a space for.

We encourage you and your child to visit us in the setting before registration to meet our staff team, talk about our routines and provide you and your child with the opportunity to explore both the indoor and outdoor learning environments, take part in activities and experience what Stepping Stones Sittingbourne has to offer.

We welcome the diversity of family lifestyles, cultures and beliefs and aim where possible to incorporate this into our daily routines and experiences in the setting. We encourage all families to take part in the life of the setting and welcome your contribution to how we can allow children to learn more about the diversity of our community and your own beliefs and cultures.

All parents and carers must complete the necessary registration documents before a child starts at the setting. In accordance with our Data Protection policy, we will only ask for information about you and your child that is relevant to their admission to our setting.


凡事有兩面性:PDE5抑制劑(威而鋼、犀利士)為男性勃起功能障礙(陽痿)患者帶來治療新曙光,讓他們只需要服用一顆藥丸就能恢復勃起能力,這是威而鋼、犀利士的正面影響。但是,當人們發現服用威而鋼或犀利士後助勃起效果顯著,且副作用通常只是臉紅、耳鳴,短時間就會減退。他們就開始濫用壯陽藥。 -犀利士