

We pride ourselves on our welcoming home from home atmosphere, where the children can play and learn in a safe and nurturing environment. We work hard to maintain a fun and accessible environment that stimulates the growth of our children through play. We welcome families from all cultural and religious backgrounds, and believe that our children’s families are their first educators, building strong family relationships are firmly embedded in our ethos.

We believe it is important that the children have access to natural materials and “loose parts” to enhance their experiences with us. Encouraging children to use these resources as they choose can provide a wider range of opportunities than one that is purely adult led. Children playing with loose parts are using more creativity and imagination and developing more skill and competence than they would be playing with most modern plastic toys.

The children have access to our outside space all day, every day and in all weathers. Our extensive outdoor environment provides the children with rich multi-sensory experience’s. Children are empowered to choose where they would like to play throughout the day and we believe that this seamless flow of play and learning between indoors and outdoors enables children to make the most of the resources and materials available to them and develop their ideas without unnecessary interruption.

We are very fortunate to have the Rough Common Playing Field situated on site as well as Blean Woods directly opposite us and we make regular use of these areas as well as exploring our local community.


凡事有兩面性:PDE5抑制劑(威而鋼、犀利士)為男性勃起功能障礙(陽痿)患者帶來治療新曙光,讓他們只需要服用一顆藥丸就能恢復勃起能力,這是威而鋼、犀利士的正面影響。但是,當人們發現服用威而鋼或犀利士後助勃起效果顯著,且副作用通常只是臉紅、耳鳴,短時間就會減退。他們就開始濫用壯陽藥。 -犀利士