Stepping Stones Nursery

Our vision is our ethos and all staff and children are committed to achieving it

Our vision is to ensure that all the children achieve their full potential by offering a safe, fun and stimulating environment in which they are encouraged to explore, investigate and follow their interests and be actively involved in their learning.
  • Ensure the highest level of care by offering a safe, fun and stimulating environment with a varied curriculum to support every child’s individual needs and interests.
  • Offer an inclusive setting where all children are included regardless of race, religion, gender or ability.
  • Ensure a high standard of education by ensuring staff are qualified to the required level and are encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge by offering them opportunities for training.
  • Offer a consistent key person approach where children are encouraged to form strong relationships with adults and children.
  • Offer a high quality setting to serve the local community and surrounding areas.


凡事有兩面性:PDE5抑制劑(威而鋼、犀利士)為男性勃起功能障礙(陽痿)患者帶來治療新曙光,讓他們只需要服用一顆藥丸就能恢復勃起能力,這是威而鋼、犀利士的正面影響。但是,當人們發現服用威而鋼或犀利士後助勃起效果顯著,且副作用通常只是臉紅、耳鳴,短時間就會減退。他們就開始濫用壯陽藥。 -犀利士